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- Everything you wanted to know about networking..
- Q. What's the easiest way to connect two Amiga?
- A. The simplest way is to use a NULL MODEM cable between
- their serial ports. You can then run a comms program on each
- Amiga (for example, Term or NComm) and use the X, Y or
- ZModem protocol to transmit files.
- Q. Is this how networked games work?
- A. Yes, nearly all networked games on the Amiga work using a
- NULL MODEM cable connected between the two machines.
- Q. Games aside, is there a better way?
- A. Yes. For a start, the serial port isn't amazingly fast.
- OK, if you connect two Amiga 1200's fitted with HiSoft's new
- Surf Squirrel PCMCIA device, things will be a lot faster,
- but there is still a better way of linking the machines: the
- parallel ports for example.
- Q. Can I link two Amiga's through their Parallel ports and
- use comms software as before?
- A. No, you can't. Parallel ports are not designed with
- communications in mind and so you will need special
- software. The best known system is ParNet, and the best
- distribution is called ParBench. Setting up ParNet can be
- very hard, and the ParBench system includes an official
- Commodore Installer system to make it a lot easier. Ask your
- PD library for ParBench, or get it yourself from Aminet.
- Q. Apart from speed, why is Parnet better than a serial
- link?
- A. ParNet provides true networking features (although not
- terribly advanced ones). This means when the Amiga's are
- linked there is a new device on each machine called NET:,
- and this is a link into the remote hardware. It means that
- one Amiga could use the harddrive or CDROM drive of a second
- Amiga.
- Q. What sort of cable do I need for this?
- A. You need a special cable and instructions for making it
- are given in the ParNet archive. You must not connect a
- standard parallel port to parallel port cable, as this will
- damage the Amigas. You must make (or buy) a cable designed
- for use on the Amiga.
- Q. Can I network a CD32 in this way?
- A. Yes, although there are various reasons why this is
- tricky. It's best to buy a CDROM and lead kit already made
- up, from a dealer such as Brian Fowler Computing.
- Q. Is there another way of linking Amiga's via parallel
- ports?
- A. Yes, you can use a commercial system calle Liana. Liana
- comes with a special parallel cable but the software support
- is offered through "Envoy". Blittersoft sell Liana in the
- UK.
- Q. I've heard of Envoy, what is it?
- A. Envoy is the standard Amiga networking package, written
- by an ex-Commodore employee. It is a commercial product,
- currently at version 2. It is considerably more advanced
- then Parnet, and offers an amazing number of features, such
- as the ability to share printers, full security and
- inter-network routing. It also is "hardware independent" in
- that it doesn't mind which hardware the network uses, as
- long as there is a suitable driver.
- Q. Is Envoy available for other hardware?
- A. Yes, as long as there is a suitable driver, called a
- SANA2.driver. This is an Amiga standard for networking
- support. For example, the AmiTrix networking system uses the
- floppy disk port and it can run Envoy as well. Envoy will
- also run over Ethernet.
- Q. What is Ethernet, and can I use it on my Amiga?
- A. Ethernet is a fast networking standard used on PCs and
- other computers. It allows transfer speeds of up to
- 10Mbit/second over various types of cable. Many machines can
- be linked together over Ethernet. It is possible to buy
- Amiga specific network cards for Amiga's with Zorro slots
- (BlitterSoft sell the Ariadne card). It's also possible to
- buy a GoldenGate 2 card and fit a PC ethernet card (EyeTech
- sell the GG2 in various bundles).
- Q. Can I use Ethernet on an Amiga without Zorro slots?
- A. There are no A1200 Ethernet cards currently advertised in
- the UK, although there are rumours of some available in the
- US. Sadly, although PCMCIA and Parallel port Ethernet
- adaptors are available for the PC, no one has created a
- version for the Amiga.
- Q. Can I link my Amiga into a PC network?
- A. If you have an Ethernet card, the answer is yes -- you
- can set up both the Amiga and the PC to use the TCP/IP
- transmission protocol and link the machines in that way.
- This makes it possible to run Telnet, FTP and even X Windows
- systems. If you don't have an ethernet card, there are still
- various ways to link up the Amiga at least in theory. One
- approach would be to use a SLIP or PPP connection into an
- Amiga running Windows95 or a version of UNIX such as Linux.
- This isn't for the faint-hearted, and we may cover it in
- more detail in a future issue.
- John Kennedy